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Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Friends, Americans, fellow citizens, we come to speak to you not about your problems, but about the problems of those fellow Americans who have never been born. Before you jump to the wrong conclusion, let me make perfectly clear that this is not a speech about either the right to life or the right of choice, but about the rights of the unborn. We will therefore address the unborn. (breath) Why are you not born, you unborn Americans? Ask your elected representative why your government puts a higher value on subsidizing big business monopoly than it does on you, its unborn future citizens. I doubt you'll get an answer! They're too busy on the phone extorting money to fill their reelection coffers. (breath) Now that we have the elected representatives well roasted, let us see why it is not a policy of the American government to see that its native culture is protected by you unborn being born. (breath) Instead of creating conditions that mothers and fathers of the unborn need to encourage the formation of families, the American government has been for the last fifty years doing the opposite. The American economy, that was used as a political chess piece during the cold war to keep wobbly countries friendly, continues to be used as a chess piece, but as an economic chess piece to dominate the world economy. The new mantra for this game is called global free trade. It is about as free as the over two million underclass criminals incarcerated in the American prison industry business who were unlucky enough to not be unborn. (breath) The one good thing that could be said about the cold war economic policy is that it didn't discriminate between the powerful and the powerless. Alas for big business, it lost out during the cold war for the same reasons that individuals did. Except for companies engaged in war production, as many of them were. Those, however, that were left out of the military-industrial-complex soon discovered they could be useful to the policy of exporting our economy by doing just that. They just needed a market. As it turned out, there was a terrific market and guess where? You guessed it. Right here! To exploit this market, Americans had to be convinced that free trade was a good thing even if they lost their jobs to it. Not a hard thing to do when you have Madison Avenue at your beck and call and unlimited funds. It proved to be an easy task. Remember all those TV ads about how every job sent overseas brought back two or three or a dozen. How many have gone and how many have come back? Damn few have come back I venture. (breath) Thus and so the mantra for global economy was born instead of you my unborn. Why weren't you born? Unfortunately working people didn't have the same option as corporations and had to wait for all those great jobs to come home before you could get born. They never did come home and never will, so you have never been born. (breath) And thanks to our crooked as the Mississippi, horny as horned toads, dumb as a stone politicians who gave away our economy to save us from the communists, you never will be born. And now the corporate communists have taken over America with their brand of communism for the rich, thanks to their buying our representatives with campaign contributions. Thank God for the Campaign Finance Reform Act passing. Let's hope it isn't as ineffectual as the rest of our pseudo laws full of loopholes enough to water down the state of Texas. But I doubt it! There may yet be hope for American culture. But I doubt that too. It's cheaper to increase market share by allowing a flood of immigrants, even if they represent the antithesis of American values. Market share is what politicians value most, thanks to who they really represent. So forget being born, you unborn Americans. You are not needed. Post script. You will never be needed. Campaign finance Reform has been a failure.


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