Free Political Speeches

This site specializes in pseudo political speeches that speak the truth bought politicians will never tell you. Speeches can be used for free. There are many other kinds of posts including one of my progressive book titled Parity Democracy. This iconoclastic book is a formula for real as opposed to pseudo democracy and fair as opposed to foul trade.(Available or others online. Search Ed Wode) We are guns for hire if you want take no prisoners progressive speech writing.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

To Vandana Shiva:

Marvelous article you have written countering "The Bogus Debate About 3rd World Bioethics" article of S. Sahai. I've been wondering this year why even in the summer months no home grown juicy dead ripe type of tomatoes have been in the supers I frequent. There has appeared a seemingly year round universal tomato in the supers that is hard and weak in flavor and color, probably as a result of the things you are saying about genetic tampering for corporate profit. (The mouse tail looking vine is what gets me. Just kidding) I think I read someplace recently that 70% of our vegetables are being thus tampered with here in U.S. I've been doing a lot of reading of your articles etc. on the internet since I saw you interviewed by Bill Moyers on PBS's NOW series recently. All very enlightening and intellectually entertaining. I have been railing and writing about the stupid unfairness of the world economic system for many years and have proposed a new world economy based on what I call "Parity Economics." Unfortunately, I haven't been able to make much impact with this idea. Recently, at the request of filmmaker-activist Michael Moore, I sent a protest email concerning economic arrogance to the Minn. GOP and copies to various other parties including the Pres. of the U.S. (Unread except by the S.S. duhs no doubt) I thought these ideas might interest you.

To Michael Moore concerning your request to contact the Minn. GOP about their arrogant "Get a Job" attitude:
You left out farm worker in your tongue in cheek list of suggested available jobs for unemployed Americans to take. If fellow Latino, Ca. Lt.Gov. Cruz Bustamonte wins the recall election Oct. 9 against Gov. Davis, he might hire undocumented Mexican farm workers, who usually do that work, as chauffeurs for the state of Ca. since they can now get drivers licenses. This will open up a few million jobs for laid off auto workers and dot com casualties. What makes me laugh is how the politicians debate tax cut proposals that are supposed to be designed to stimulate the economy and create jobs and never once do they give consideration of what the money will be spent on. I warrant that most of the money will go to buy imports since imports are mostly what we spend our money on. This creates jobs everywhere except in America. America is inexorably headed for being a third world agrarian economy and this has been the inevitability of our economic policies for over thirty years. I just can't understand what's taking so long. When they write the history of this era in fifty or sixty years, America will be looked upon as the dumbest (and/or most corruptly) led country in the history of the world. Completely bought and sold by global corporations that care nothing for the American people or any other people. Now that we've settled into two full blown guerilla wars, any hope of finding money to extract ourselves from this economic mess is going to be pissed away in trying to win the unwinable we invented to beat the British. Why can't we just do the dishonorable thing and leave these miasmas? We should not have to pay for building countries we mostly didn't destroy. Wars are not supposed to be exercises in pro bono. The Iraqi people beat us to the loot so let's get out. We can always go back. It's clear to anyone with two good eyes that the America hater's minds are not going to be changed by the way we are going about it. Sooner or later a WMD bomb is going to go off in one of our cities that will change all equations. Picture two hundred million people rushing for the woods at the same time. If we don't come up with some draconian new ideas to counter all the hatred of us in the world, we won't have to worry about jobs, because we will all be killed in the worst stampede in history. The world has needed a new economic deal for a long time. Until there is one, nothing will change. What is feeding terrorist hatred in the world is caused by economic rules that have been made as immutably unchangeable as the laws of nature except oxymoronically the economic rules can be changed to be fair instead of unfair. Rules put into play by us to stack the economic deck in our favor have been co-opted by others who are now winning this game of economic musical chairs that allows for only a few winners and many losers. Until there are new rules that mandate the inevitability of a system of economic parity for all countries, there will continue to be this system of winners and losers that leaves much of the world left out and impoverished by a lack of decent jobs. We are now getting a taste of our own bitter medicine prescribed by our best friends the global corporations to make us rich and the rest of the world our flea market. (They've also forgotten they told us they would bring home several jobs for every one they send overseas. Our politicians have fallen off the turnip truck again on that big one) Glad you are fighting the good fight, Michael, in this most important arena of jobs, but you can't win. It will take a political revolution to change the present stupid unfair economic rules (Especially the WTO rules written by the corporations themselves) and that can only happen in America when the populous is in desperate straights. That day is coming. Ed Wode

I am a writer, director and filmmaker and would like to do a documentary film on the things that you and I are talking about in regard to fighting the greedy power of corporations. If you have any interest, please let me know. Ed Wode