Free Political Speeches

This site specializes in pseudo political speeches that speak the truth bought politicians will never tell you. Speeches can be used for free. There are many other kinds of posts including one of my progressive book titled Parity Democracy. This iconoclastic book is a formula for real as opposed to pseudo democracy and fair as opposed to foul trade.(Available or others online. Search Ed Wode) We are guns for hire if you want take no prisoners progressive speech writing.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's been a while since I have brought things up to date. I am now linked from My Space to here, so hopefully I'll have more traffic. Google will be happy if I start getting some hits on my Google ad at the top of the page. I have been doing a lot of blogging/commenting on David Sirota's blog and others making my self heard loud and clear in the blogosphere. He blogs on "working for" a terrific site if you want the straight unvarnished progressive news. I have three books in worldwide distribution now that can be bought online at either or 40 other booksellers including amazon and (Barnes and Nobel) They are "Parity Democracy, how to level the world economic playing field", (Parity Democracy keyword) "Three comedies and a Tragedy by Ed Wode", and "Unnatural Selection" a radioactive novel. allows prospective buyers more information on its site including a ten page preview and view of the front and back covers. I am currently working as a producer, cameraman and actor at LBCTV. I will be doing my own show sometime in the near future when the spirit moves me. I still have many plays and film scripts available. If interested contact me at for my URL address where you can view the loglines for these scripts. Talking at you soon.