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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Is the New Spoils System the Beginning of Dictatorship?

America is currently about one step from unfettered dictatorship. It is a dictatorship authored by the overpowering money of global corporatism, a new form of totalitarianism that has swept all before it without causing even a slight ripple of dissent, in America or almost anyplace else. We in America ostensively have a representative form of republican government that is supposed to represent the elected will of the people. In recent years it has become abundantly clear that people have been shunted aside by the power of corporate money. Predominantly, the elected representatives of the people are now representatives of corporate interests. These pseudo representatives of the people are really abscesses on the American democratic formula, who have abdicated their constitutional responsibilities in favor of selling out to lobbyists. Lobbyists who represent corporate interest are now writing many of our most important new laws. And the representatives who are elected by the people to vote on these laws often vote them into the code without in many cases having even read them, because they have sold their vote to a lobbyist for campaign contribution bribes. Now we find that, not only do our elected representatives not write or read our laws, passages are sneaked into the laws that are directly contrary to any known democratic tradition of America. These are sometimes dangerous radical ideas authored by knaves who have been passing themselves off as God fearing conservative representatives of the people. Such a passage is that which has been sneaked into the Homeland Security Act and which gives the president of the United States the right to fire U.S. Attorneys and replace them without any recourse to approval by the senate of the United States. This not only is an ultimate spoils system, it is a precursor of dictatorship. But do not worry my fellow citizens, there has been a hew and cry by the media and our elected representatives that has the heavens itself quivering with fear of retribution. Is this not true? Well maybe and maybe not. It depends on what you call a hew and cry. If crocodile tears are your cup of tea the answer is yes. There is a loud hew and cry about the unfairness of the attorney’s dismissal for political reasons, contrary to our traditions regarding these offices, but so far there has not been one word about the much more important spoils system it represents. I know this sounds melodramatic, but frankly, since this has happened I no longer feel like I am living in America. This must be the same feeling that many Germans had when Germany’s incipient democracy in the 1930’s became a dictatorship under democratically elected Hitler. As a citizen of this great republic, I demand the hew and cry about the 8 attorneys be put aside until this heinous law of intimidation itself is changed, not by hand wringing condemnation of the unfairness of these firings, but by condemnation of this spoils system designed for intimidating US Attorneys to do the political bidding of the president. Call it whatever you want, I call it American Fascism. And the larger spoils system that allows the heads of various government agencies to be filled with incompetents such as the recent FEMA example also needs to be changed. This idea that the president needs a government of yes men backing his every petty political whim is a recipe for catastrophic incompetence such as we have been witnessing in this administration. It is the height of folly. Especially, when these positions are filled with people who represent an ideology that government is the enemy and should be dismantled. Wake up America! Your country is being imploded. It is the Stardust Hotel of the Corporate Republican party. Whatever replaces the Stardust, you can count on one thing, it won’t be democracy. It isn’t real democracy now. The republic has been imploded right in front of your noses and neither party seems to complain on your behalf. The hidden oligarchs who are the real power in America can now come out of the closet and in full light of day wield their hidden levers of power to hound you to your grave if you disagree with them. God save us from this ugly contemptuous state of affairs. By these and other seeming small changes the presidential system has become near legal dictatorship and should be changed. It is a form of temporary monarchy or dictatorship and not worthy of a free people. Without congresses ability to intervene in appointments by giving their consent to appointees, such as is being undermined by this Homeland Security sneak attack on the constitution, there is little hope of avoiding the fate of historic democracy, out and out overthrow. And worst of all, these turd blossom men and woman now inhabiting what has become the national toilet, are by their actions making America the ugliest sewer in the world. I never thought in my wildest dreams it would come to this, but I agree with the Donald Trump when he recently said, “Bush is the worst president in our history”. However it could be worse. Donald might run for president and win and fire us all.

This scenario has changed a little since I wrote this on 3/19/07, because the Senate took corrective action on 3/20/07 to turn things back to the Senate's former prerogatives of before H.S. Of course, the recommendations made here about the spoils system have not been addressed and probably never will. God help American democracy! Pseudo democracy it is and pseudo democracy it shall remain.